Wednesday 4 August 2010

CME Coronal Mass Ejection

A large solar flare seen on the sun on the 1st August 2010 has just hit the earth (3/4th August).

These sudden increases in the solar wind have the effect of temporarily depressing the amount of galactic cosmic radiation reaching the earth. The galactic radiation increases cloud condensation nucei and therefore cloud formation particularly over the oceans which has a cooling effect because of increased albedo.

When the formation of these cloud condensation nuclei is temporarily interrupted due to an increase in solar wind there is less cloudiness and therefore higher temperatures on earth it is hypothesised.

It would be interesting to see whether this latest “Forbush” event will result in an observable increase in temperature. This is the sort of empirical observation that climatologists should be studying. Sadly they are not, at least the IPCC hacks are not. It is astrophysicists and the like who are currently keeping this little flame of genuine scientific enquiry alive.

Brought you courtesy of ItstheSunStupid Department.

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