Tuesday 20 July 2010

Australian Temperature Data - Warwick Hughes

Jan 11, 2010

Australian Climate Variability

Below is a graph produced by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Sorry can't get the image up here.


Australian mean annual temperature reconstruction 1882-2009
January 11th, 2010 by Warwick Hughes


After getting questions from people about the BoM claim that 2000-2009 was Australia’s hottest decade I have started
updating my 1992 25 station series for Australian – time consuming with 50 other things to do.

Here is the result of an experiment to fit my 1993 25 station series to the Spencer and Christy lower troposphere
satellite data for a block of lats-longs forming the Australian region,

Sorry Tasmania is missed out. Not worth including all that ocean just to get the Apple Isle.

See chart and station list below.

The BoM does not use pre-1910 data, I expect they would claim that Stevenson Screens were not in use before that date
and the old open thermometer stands read warm.
I think they are wrong about that – see my published paper.


The BoM published trend 1910-2009 uses “stroked and tweaked” data,

which I also think is wrong.

My 25 station series would incorporate a small quota of urban warming

http://www.earthsci.unimelb.edu.au/~jon/WWW/deniliquin.html from the town sites.

Like all temperature time series, mine would get less reliable the older the data is – but I put this up as the
best Australian series of its length. Perhaps somebody knows of proxy records that cast light on late 19C warmth in Australia.


Canberra Airport – rejected by Jones et al 1986 – pardoned in the 1990’s –
now corrected (again) by UKMO

January 9th, 2010

by Warwick Hughes

While experimenting with BoM raw Canberra Airport data I was surprised to find the UKMO have corrected the data
here and there. It is noteworthy that Jones et al 1986


rejected Canberra (WMO 949260) with an 80 code which translates as “Non-homogenous and uncorrectable” – after
comparing it with Sydney.
Canberra was “pardoned” and included in Jones 1994 station data
– but oddly it never made the cut for the 1226 station 1996 update,
which is confined to stations still reporting.


For larger graphic http://www.warwickhughes.com/agri/canberra09l.gif.

In the newly discovered Jones 1999 station data CANBERRA-AIRP 949260 is included again, with different
“corrections” – all undocumented now of course and secret until ClimateGate.
Then the UKMO version just released under pressure of ClimateGate has a different set of “corrections” again
and of course their reasons for the corrections are so far – secret.

The trends in degrees C per decade vary as follows, UKMO09 0.1, BoM 0.13, Jones94 1951-80 0.1, Jones99 0.057

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