Tuesday 20 July 2010

Michael Mann still raking it in

15 Jan 2010

Hide the Job Decline: $500k in Stimulus Funds to ClimateGate Professor
by Mike Flynn

The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (the Stimulus Bill) has been such an epic failure, that even the mainstream media has started to notice. The White House has tacitly acknowledged this and recently announced that it would no longer ‘count’ jobs ‘created or saved’ by the Stimulus. The basic problem is that the bulk of the spending went to programs or projects that have nothing to do with economic growth.

The latest example of this is a $500,000 grant to Michael Mann, Professor at Penn State University and unintended c0-star of the ClimateGate e-mail scandal. The leaked e-mails revealed collaboration among scientists to stifle dissenting views on the extent of man-made global warming.

Mann is also the creator of the “Hockey Stick” graph, which hid the decline in the proxy temperature reconstructions as compared with actual instrumental data 1960 onwards.

That work has been thoroughly discredited by researcher Stephen McIntyre. Yet, in June 2009, the National Science Foundation awarded Mann a three-year $500,000 to further study the climate’s response to human activity. According to the grant award:

The broader impacts involve supporting postdoctoral scholars and graduate students and contributing to the understanding of abrupt climate change.

So, the research is supposed to give us a better ‘understanding of abrupt climate change.’ Mind you, the research isn’t to determine whether there is abrupt climate change occurring.
Given that Mann is known for using “tricks” to finesse his data, the National Science Foundation will not be pleased with the results.

Actually, this particular grant is special, even by the low-bar set by other spending. Most of the Stimulus funds are simply wasted with no real impact on the overall economy. However, Mann’s “research” will presumably be used to further justify cap-and-trade legislation or other draconian regulatory actions. Either of these will have a very negative impact on the economy, retarding growth for years to come.

We may be paying for this $500,000 for a very long time.

Collaborative Research: P2C2–Toward Improved Projections of the Climate Response to Anthropogenic Forcing: Combining Proxy and Instrumental Observations with an Earth System Model

NSF Org:
Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

Initial Amendment Date:
June 18, 2009

Latest Amendment Date:
June 18, 2009

Award Number:

Award Instrument:
Standard Grant

Program Manager:
David J. Verardo
AGS Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
GEO Directorate for Geosciences

Start Date:
June 15, 2009

May 31, 2012 (Estimated)

Awarded Amount to Date:

Michael Mann mann@psu.edu (Principal Investigator)
Klaus Keller (Co-Principal Investigator)

Pennsylvania State Univ University Park
110 Technology Center Building
UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802 814/865-1372

NSF Program(s):

Field Application(s):
0000099 Other Applications NEC

Program Reference Code(s):
EGCH, 6890, 1304

Program Element Code(s):

Funding is provided to combine paleoclimate and instrumental observations with a new Earth system Model of Intermediate Complexity (EMIC) to improve constraints on key climate parameters including those governing dynamical and potentially abrupt responses to forcing. Specifically, the research team will focus on dynamical mechanisms associated with the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) using an existing EMIC (“LOVECLIM”). The broader impacts involve supporting postdoctoral scholars and graduate students and contributing to the understanding of abrupt climate change.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).

So this conman continues to rake in the tax-payers’ dosh for more of the same old “Hide the Decline” in the proxies crap! Ugh!


(Would you buy a used car from this Mann?)

The Yanks have a law whereby a whistleblower can claim 15% of the state funds retrieved from people who can be shown to have applied for and accepted state funds on false pretenses.

Let's hope some whistleblower provides the inside dope on this scam to the authorities.

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