Tuesday 20 July 2010

Mel Brooks' AGW Saga “Blazing Thermometers!”

11 Jul 2010

One day the entire AGW saga will make a great Mel Brooks movie. We’ve already seen sneak previews here:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00sx1gv/The_World_Tonight_07_07_2010/ 8 minutes in
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00t0rzg/Newsnight_07_07_2010/ 20 minutes in.

Who do you fancy for the parts of Hansen, the Mad Scientist; Mann and Schmidt, his obsequious factotems; Schneider, the catastrophist fantasist; Rev’d Houghton, Old Testament Prophet of Doom; Uncle Phil, the decent but susceptible country cousin; Lord Acton, the villainous aristocrat and bearded Prof Bob Watson - he can play himself, he’s already a caricature!

I imagine something like a cross between Airplane, (all that jetsetting to far climate conferences) Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.

Who will provide the sex interest, though? Um, that’s a poser! Pachauri, perhaps? Maybe Borat can be cast as the blundering sceptic who wins the girl in the end? Who will play the crusading Virginia Attorney General? I fancy Kevin Costner! Who will be mild-mannered Steve McIntyre? It has to be understated hero, Harrison Ford (in a beard) who does all his own stunts, sorry, stats! The mind begins to boggle!

Publicity Poster here with Mel Brooks himself as wild-eyed Hansen and unknown starlet playing Susan Solomon in supporting role. (Sorry ex-WH devotees!)


Any improvements on this “climate scenario”, folks?

You have to laugh, don’t you, or you might cry

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