Tuesday 20 July 2010

USHCN Raw data adjusted to be even more raw!

15 Jan 2010

Revised “raw” data. An oxymoron?

USHCN (United States Historical Climate Network)
Wisconsin raw temperature data alterations

July 2009 data download vs January 2010 download from data.giss.nasa.gov

Here are some interesting graphics showing how RAW data evolve over time.



Note how the more recent Jan 2010 version of the supposedly RAW database has often adjusted the historic data shown in the July 2009 version DOWNWARD and the more recent data UPWARDS to create an upward trend WHERE NONE ACTUALLY EXISTS.

Clever these climate "scientists", eh?

Some of the raw data are clearly more cooked than others.

Courtesy of Mike McMillan on Chiefio here


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