Tuesday 20 July 2010

It's always "Earth Hour" in North Korea

27 Mar 2001

The WWF sponsored Earth Hour has already come and gone in the Korean time zone, and the North Korean proletariat has claimed a stunning victory over its evil capitalist neighbor, South Korea.

Oh, wait. Seems it is always that way.



"For all those Green morons calling on us to turn off our lights Saturday evening from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM to celebrate "Earth Hour", this is what it looks like every night in North and South Korea. The North is in the grip of a Stalinist dictator and the South is a thriving democracy.

Like fire, electricity is truly a gift of the gods. It is the difference between the Dark Age and the present age...but not for everyone. Much of Africa is in darkness. too. People who hate civilization and the humans who created it are welcome to live out in the wilderness or in some primitive backward country where they burn dung to cook their meals.

If America doesn't start building more coal-fired plants, nuclear plants, and other generators of electricity, we too shall live in darkness when the sun goes down. Be warned, the present administration is doing everything possible to make that future happen."

-- Alan Caruba


Earth Hour Comments from WUWT http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/03/27/tr....ate/#more-17786

Most generating capacity would just keep on generating as it cannot be switched off for an indeterminate short period. Now if people of that bent really wanted to make a difference they would detach from their electricity supply for at least a month or sign up to have their supply limited every hour 24/7 to only that percentage being produced that hour by ‘renewable’ ‘green’ energy. That might concentrate a few minds.

It’s nice to have the choice. During the next decade in the UK we may have more earth hours than we want.
The United Kingdom is still facing a massive energy generation gap in the next decade and the Government is failing to properly
address the issue, according to a top industry executive.

Greens love this stuff as long as it’s just a little symbolic gesture. It’s like dropping a few bucks in the Sunday offering. A tiny penance.

Yet you will still find them enjoying all the trappings of civilization (like say, heat, on a -10C evening in winter) .

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