Tuesday 20 July 2010

Guardian Climategate Debate

19 Jul 2010

Richard Drake had a conversation with Prof Bob Watson, former occupant of Pachauri’s IPCC seat and now a Government Scientific Adviser, after the recent Guardian Debate about Climategate. Drake states

“I strongly felt Bob Watson was running away from the scene when I spoke to him after Wednesday's Guardian debate. He seemed to be saying privately quite different things than he just had publicly - the baying green mob had to be pacified after all. But there was now another crowd, a much more informed and intelligent one, that he'd not only been made aware of (in fact he must have known full well what prominent sceptics had been saying for years) but could now see was winning the argument, even at Guardian central.

It was all a bit reminiscent to that moment in the French revolution when one notable, seeing the mob stampeding out to enact another atrocity, said:

I must follow them, for I am their leader.

It's a much better class of mob on this side, of course. And we don't take kindly to those who change sides without something pretty compelling about how they came to get it so wrong for so long - all at taxpayers' expense, in the worst possible sense.”

We’ll see, as they say!

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