Tuesday 20 July 2010

The Funding of Climate Research - Briffa's email

Jan 10, 2010

Grant-funded science is a highly competitive business. Only the most skilled at it, not the most capable scientifically, survive for long. This email helps explain the animosity from the CRU Team towards those who threaten to upset their applecart - (like Steve McIntyre, although he only came on the scene later.

Filename: 906137836.txt

From: Keith Briffa
To: rbradley@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: PAGES Open Science Meeting publication
Date: Fri Sep 18 12:57:16 1998
Cc: oldfield@xxxxxxxxx.xxx


this is simply to say that I will get my paper to you as soon as I can. Frank knows that I am currently involved with writing a bid on behalf of the earth science community to try to extract 8 million pounds for a 5 year project from NERC to support Palaeo/Modelling validatin work. I was not allowed to say no to this request and it is involving me in a lot of meetings and associated crap. I am now redrafting the proposal. Also I must write my application to NERC for a fellowship - if this fails Sarah and I are unemployed after December as things stand. God knows there is little chance of success but the application must be in be the end of September and I have not started it yet. This is a big deal for me and I am putting you down as my primary suggested scientific referee. The PAGES paper can only be done in mid October and I really need your and Frank's understanding on this. I had to do the Thematic bid proposal as Nick Shackleton asked me to , and I want to put him down as my primary Personal reference! In early October I have to attend a NERC Earth Science Board meeting to defend the Thematic bid; a meeting of PEP3 in Belgium;a UK CLIVAR meeting in London; an EC meeting to present our ADVANCE-10K results in Vienna. This is not bullshit. I will do the PAGES meetin paper as fast as I can and you must please allow me the leeway . Sorry - but this will not really hold the publication up . If I could sort out some funding I could afford to drop some of these things but with the EC future also up in the air at the moment , I have to try to juggle these things. Sorry again Ray



Sounds like Keith Briffa, Big Daddy of CRU Palaeodendrochronology, was giving himself an ulcer in pursuit of more grant funding for the unit whilst also trying to get on with what he saw as his real work.

Climate research is a lucrative little cottage industry in East Anglia that is fully funded by the government and dependent on the continued belief in a man made crisis. Naturally the UEA stands full square behind its CRU milch-cow in this effort to secure funds.

Obviously the money doesn’t go the the researchers only, but it funds their “business” and for that business to continue, they must support AGW and fight off the opposition.

The Follow-The-Money principle helps to aid navigation through the swamp of climatechaneism. Money, with its concommitant prestige and perks, not least the constant travel to attractive locations, is a powerful motivator.

Science should not be held hostage to grant hogs.

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