Tuesday 20 July 2010

Thank Goodness! Phil Jones clears the air!

13 Feb 2010


No, he's not revealed himself as a closet sceptic but he has spoken like the basically reasonable man I expected him to be.

I have been wondering ever since the Climategate emails story broke what role the wives of Dr Phil and Dr Keith were playing at home. Maybe there has been some moral pressure from them. But who knows?

He's dropped Michael Mann right in it with the equivocation about the Mediaeval Warm Period. But I think Mann was the prime mover behind all the subterfuge and concealment in the first place so he deserves it. I hope Mann gets his comeuppance in his own investigation at Penn State University.

I expect Phil Jones' remarks on record to Roger Harrabin today will be bound to be taken into account in the USA.

We'll see!

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