Tuesday 20 July 2010

The Climategate Story Update

12 Jan 2010

The Climategate Story

I was on-line the night of 19th November when the story broke, browsing my favourite climate sceptic websites - WattsUpWithThat, Climate Audit and the AirVent. I immediately downloaded the CRU emails and files. I was already immersed in the story of the ongoing battle with CRU over data release and the Mann and Briffa tree-ring proxy studies.

On the old WH board that was pulled I had already been engaged in conversations with people trying to explain that the much vaunted world-wide and authoritative consensus on AGW was in fact just a very well-funded handful of folk enmeshed in the heart of the government/bureaucratic elite, mainly based in East Anglia, a clique in fact, who were in virtual control of the promotion of the IPCC ideology of climatechangeism. The CRU leak proved it beyond doubt and revealed all the hypocrisy behind the "peereviewlichurchur" ( as Steve McInyre dubbed it) scam.

I stayed up all night as the messages flew between the blogs. It was exhilarating!

Have a look here for a readable and accurate account of the story so far. I think we are in for more episodes in this tale which has been somewhat stalled over the Christmas/New Year period.

Now read on here:




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