Monday 19 July 2010

More jobs for the boys

Jan 10, 2010

It's hard to believe that when the case for CO2 as a destroyer of climate equilibrium has not even been close to demonstrated some bozos are proposing to pollute the oceans as a "remedy" and sell the supposedly sequestered evil carbonic poison to someone else!

You really couldn't make it up. It is mindsets like this being let lose on our ecosystem that is really scarey. This is the real face of "climatechangeism" its logical conclusion, or logical absurdity as I think of it.

...“Give me half a tanker of iron, and I’ll give you an ice age” may rank as the catchiest line ever uttered by a biogeochemist. The man responsible was the late John Martin, former director of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, who discovered that sprinkling iron dust in the right ocean waters could trigger plankton blooms the size of a small city. In turn, the billions of cells produced might absorb enough heat-trapping carbon dioxide to cool the Earth’s warming atmosphere....

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