Tuesday 20 July 2010

Piers Corbyn predicted snowy weather

17 Dec 2009


Piers Corbyn astrophysicist of WeatherAction.com long range forecasters announced on 17 Nov at Weather Action’s
monthly Press conference: “We are giving our WeatherAction.com forecast for the
Denmark /Copenhagen /SW Sweden & S Norway region
during the summit period free to attendees and the public to enable them to better prepare for blustery rain,
snow and cold or icy blasts which we are 85% confident will dog the region for most of the summit.
The blustery or wintry blasts are caused by
predictable solar activity effects
and are nothing to do with CO2.

Piers said “This forecast is created for the summit using exclusively solar-magnetic activity and Lunar
and other modulation factors and nothing whatsoever to do with CO2. However this fact will not prevent the world leaders
of the new Climate Change Religion
claiming this disruptive weather is somehow evidence of Climate Change caused by CO2.
It is important the public know that such claims have no scientific basis or evidential support and simply follow
on their other fictitious claims and shameful falsification of data by its official guardians who are bent on hiding
the general world cooling which has now set in.

Blizzard Dumps Snow on Copenhagen as Leaders Battle Warming

Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) — World leaders flying into Copenhagen today to discuss a solution to global warming will first face
freezing weather as a blizzard dumped 10 centimeters (4 inches) of snow on the Danish capital overnight.

“Temperatures will stay low at least the next three days,” Henning Gisseloe, an official at Denmark’s Meteorological Institute,
said today by telephone, forecasting more snow in coming days. “There’s a good chance of a white Christmas.”

Denmark has a maritime climate and milder winters than its Scandinavian neighbors. It hasn’t had a white Christmas
for 14 years, under the DMI’s definition, and only had seven last century.
Temperatures today fell as low as minus 4 Celsius (25 Fahrenheit).

Remember Corbyn got the North of England floods with pinpoint accuracy on 17 - 19 November last. There were floods in
Sri Lanka too on the same date. (His prediction was recorded 3 months previously).
Corbyn uses a weather prediction system based on the interaction of solar and lunar cycles.

He is an astrophysicist who utterly rejects CO2 as responsible for extreme weather
events though warmists repeatedly try to pin any severe weather on "AGW".

UPDATE 17 DEC 2009

22nd December 2009

OUR country is at a standstill - roads, rail, ferries and airports are also affected throughout Europe and as far south
as Spain and Portugal and North America.

Met Office claims the current snow storms "could not have been predicted."

Well, Piers Corbyn, knows better.

You'd think the Met would want to consult with the man who so often gets severe weather events right.

Of course, the warmists are repeating the mantra that this plunge into the freezer is consistent with global warming.


CHIEFIO reports from USA

Another USA Blizzard or 2 and 100 dead in EU from Cold

December 22, 2009 by E.M.Smith

The Weather Channel warns of More Blizzards

The Weather Channel is advising to travel as far south as I-10 (Interstate 10) to avoid snow and blizzards (one moving eastward now, and another coming next week. That will be 3 in a row.) They are also advising that folks stuck at airports from last weeks blizzard on the East Coast and midwest take any plane they can to a warmer place and then rebook to your final destination (i.e. you will be snowed in again at that prior snowy airport if you don’t get out of there soon.)

They have said it will be moving slowly and dumping a lot of snow for days to come.

This is The Weather Channel “stormwatch” link so I expect content will change over time as the storms come (and go);


Nearly two thirds of the continental USA gets a white Christmas


I don’t know if this is a record or not for Christmas coverage, but it is certainly reminiscent of the winter of 1977-78
where we had similar bouts of cold and snow. About 99% of Canada has snow cover also, with some parts of the
Pacific Coast excepted, and it appears that all of Canada’s Lakes are frozen as indicated by the “yellow ice” in the photo.

Here is the latest from NOAA:

It's only "weather", mind you. Nothing to get excited over. Unlike life-threatening "heatwaves", of course,
which are a frightening a taste of things to come, eh, Gerda?

On serious consideration, Gerda, which would you prefer, a teensy bit warmer or colder?

I know what most sane people would choose.

Not that we have a choice, of course.

“Global Warming” Cancels Christmas for Many Travellers - Breaks Records

From the “weather is not climate” department, inconvenient travel:

Hundreds of passengers spent the night sleeping in Dallas Fort Worth Airport near Dallas,
Friday, Dec. 25, 2009 after a winter storm forced the cancellation of many flights from Dallas.
The Star-Telegram newspaper said Dallas-Fort Worth was experiencing its
first White Christmas in more than 80 years.

Still just weather!

Woo-Woo! Steam loco copes with big freeze in Kent


Tornado, a Peppercorn class A1 Pacific based at the National Railway Museum in York,
was in the South East for one day, offering “Christmas meal” trips from London to Dover.


877 new snowfall records set or tied in the USA in the last week


And that’s not all, for the week ending Dec 13th, there were 815 new snowfall records set.

December 2009 is shaping up to be quite the snowmaker.
Here’s a map showing continental USA records:





WeatherAction forecast (issued Dec 2) for severe winter storms USA & Canada 19-31 Dec dramatically confirmed

Notably dangerous warning for 28-30 Dec remains in force

Likely worst hit to be: MidWest, Great Lakes, Central & NE USA
Short range Met Maps now show developing Northerly blast 28 Dec but it will be more severe than standard meteorology expects
Click here to view this news item


30 Dec 2009

Yesterday, Senior AccuWeather meteorologist Joe Bastardi let loose with this stunning prediction
on the AccuWeather premium web site:

"What is facing the major population centers of the northern hemisphere is unlike anything
that we have seen since the global warming debate got to the absurd level it is now, which
essentially has been there is no doubt about all this. For cold of a variety not seen in over 25
years in a large scale is about to engulf the major energy consuming areas of the northern
Hemisphere. The first 15 days of the opening of the New Year will be the coldest, population
weighted, north of 30 north world wide in over 25 years in my opinion."

i wonder, if anyone else, like me, has been wondering about the impact of this return to
normality in Northern hemisphere winter weather on energy supplies? Do we want to be
dependent upon those unspeakable places on the planet which supply so much of our fuel?

Start exploiting the UK national coal resource again, I would suggest. It was a political
decision to run down coal. Time to reverse it now and build new coal-fired power stations to
replace the nuclear ones due for de-commissioning.

Meanwhile, this is the LATEST UK Met Office's contribution to weather forecasting,
dated last November.

Someone there was flipping a coin, apparently. "50% chance of milder weather!"

I wonder if they have revised the outlook in the light of the actualitée? Probably not.

Their models and "value-added" data are far more important than mere empirical observations.


Here's the latest from the Met

Ah, yes! The blizzards have somehow impinged on their consciousness.

Woo-Woo! Steam loco copes with big freeze in Kent

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