Tuesday 20 July 2010


16 Jul 2010


Take a look at these two graphs of the same thing - April sea ice extent 1979-2010.

Here is another graph, from the same source (NSIDC) based on raw data and with a true April sea ice extent comparator on the vertical y-scale.

You won’t find THIS graph being used as the scary poster child of cataclismic anthropogenic global warming because it merely shows a thirty-year, trend (there was NO satellite measurement before that) that is not in the least frightening to anyone not taking their “science” diluted with a large addition of adrenalin.

It shows a trend for April sea ice that, IF continued (big IF) won’t reach zero until the year 2385. So much for the frantic claims of a rapidly impending ice-free Arctic.

See the full article here


Graph of Arctic Sea Ice Extent.


Updated daily.

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