Tuesday 20 July 2010


16 Jan 2010


There are now two books out about Climategate, the release of thousands of emails and files from the Climatic Research Unit of UEA.

One is “Climategate - The Crutape Letters” By Steven Mosher and Thomas W. Fuller. It is available for download or you can get a bound copy from Createspace here http://www.createspace.com/3423467

Steve Mosher was one of the first to lay hands on the emails on 17th November, two days before they went viral over the net. He is a regular of Antony Watts' climate bog WattsUpWithThat and also Steve McIntyre's Climate Audit.

Personally, I think the leaked data were intended for Steve McIntyre specifically. Some Good Fairy at UEA decided he deserved a good turn and a little helping hand. We'll know one day!

The other book is by our very own Bishop Hill, aka A W Mountford called ”The Hockey Stick Illusion”. It is avalable from Amazon. His blog is here http://bishophill.squarespace.com/

I should say that the Bish’s book will probably be more informative about the evolution of the hockeystick “science” and the conflict over peereview and the IPCC. It was in production before the climategate leak and was updated as the leak happened.

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