Tuesday 20 July 2010


1 Feb 2010

BBC Pension Fund

The man responsible for looking after the pensions of BBC employees is a “climate change” enthusiast and part of an international group of investment managers who promote investment in 'climate change' schemes.

Peter Dunscombe, also addresses conferences about 'ethical investments' and is chairman of the Institutional Investment Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), which has 47 members and manages four trillion euros' worth of investments. Their goal is to find as many 'climate change' investment opportunities as possible

“The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) is a forum for collaboration on climate change for European investors. The group’s objective is to catalyse greater investment in a low carbon economy by bringing investors together to use their collective influence with companies, policymakers and investors. "

IIGCC’s Objectives are:
“To encourage a pro-active approach amongst asset owners and asset managers on climate change (through adapting their own investment activities and processes) in order to enhance and preserve long-term investment values.”
“To improve company disclosure/performance on climate change (in their role as shareholders and bondholders). ”
“To encourage public policy solutions that facilitate the move to a low carbon economy and are consistent with long-term investment objectives.”

Peter Dunscombe said last year: “The credibility of emissions trading schemes would be greatly improved with a robust price signal as well as clear and frequent communication from the regulator on trading data and improved transparency over direct government participation in schemes.”

So, he’s promoting that scam, too!

In 2009 the BBC pension fund had 58,744 members. It could be said that every one of them benefits from the BBC’s climate alarmism insofar as it bolsters the position of “green” industries.
Bolsters the climate of fear of climate, one might say, if one were whimsically inclined.

The BBC Pensions Trust report, 2009 states that Helen Boaden, head of the BBC's
News and Current Affairs, was appointed to the trust in 2008. So as well as telling us “the science is settled” in its News and Current affairs output, the very same BBC also promotes investment in climatechange businesses, many of which are receiving huge public subsidy for otherwise unprofitable green schemes like wind farms.

Does this represent a conflict of interest, I wonder? After all the BBC is in a powerful position to influence opinion about the very kind of stuff it is investing in.



Ever heard of it? Me neither until today. It's a powerful – perhaps the most powerful – international lobby group for the Green Agenda. It is funded by big businesses like HSBC, Governments and NGOs. In turn the Climate Group funds the IIGCC - the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change.

There is a MASSIVE conflict of interest in the UK pensions/investment/AGW business.

If you knew that your pension was being invested in enterprises that would be practically worthless if the AGW scam was exposed, do you think you would be willing to run news or articles that would expose the scam? And what if running scare stories and climate catastrophe "news" pumped up the value of your investments? Would you make sure those stories remained top of the media's agenda?

A vast array of shares invested in pension funds and elsewhere now rely on the myth of AGW being sustained in order to maintain and increase their value.

The BBC Pension Trust, the Environment Agency Pension Fund and the Universities Superannuation Scheme are members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change. The UK Media, UK Government, UK Local Authorities and UK Universities! It’s almost unbelievable.

The manager of the BBC's Pension Fund, Peter Dunscombe, is actually chairman of the Institutional Investment Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), which has 47 members and manages four trillion euros' worth of investments. Their goal is to find as many 'climate change' investment opportunities as possible.

The IIGCC is funded by The Climate Group to manage and facilitate pension funds seeking to be "active on climate change". It focuses on addressing "climate risk". The membership of IIGCC voted unanimously to transfer the management of the group to The Climate Group in late 2005.

The Climate group says of itself: “we’ve created a coalition of governments and the world’s most influential businesses…Through this coalition, we’re helping to set the targets, create the policies, build the confidence, and generate the political willpower needed to make the changes the world requires…”

But it also extends down to the humble consumer: “Together" is The Climate Group’s UK consumer climate change engagement campaign launched April 2007.

The Climate Group principles:

“We believe…climate change is an urgent problem that requires an internationally coordinated, collaborative response directed at substantially reducing global GHG emissions…We will therefore strive…To achieve significant reductions in GHG emissions…exploring mechanisms such as emissions trading, policies and laws to facilitate this.”

Get that? "..exploring mechanisms such as emissions trading, policies and laws to facilitate this.” Perhaps you thought that was the business of your elected representatives, NOT LOBBYISTS.

Robert Napier, currently Chairman of the Board of the Meteorological Office, was formerly at the World Wildlife Fund, which financed and procured many of the IPCC’s dodgy non-peer-reviewed “research papers”. The WWF along with The Climate Group, shares in HSBC’s bounty - described as the biggest ever philanthropic donation to Environmental causes of $100m. He was also Director of The Climate Group until 2007.

Find his recent CV here http://www.englishpartnerships.co.uk/robertnapier.htm

Why should we be seeing this nexus of WWF, Meteorological Office, BBC and government pension funds and The Climate Group?

John Hirst, incidentally, appointed as Chief Executive of the Meteorological Office in 2008, was ALSO head of the WWF before changing to meteorology and was a crony of Robert Napier there.

I think these wheels within wheels stink!

The more one digs into Climatechangeism the more one finds interlocking vested interests over an enormous range of organisations public, private, state and so-called NGOs.

Do the poor bloody infantry of naive environmentalists understand just what a monolith it is that they are supporting? Do they even care so long as they can save the Polar Bears and fight the good fight against Big Oil?


More here: http://buythetruth.wordpress.com/2009/08....ntalists-dream/


Do you remember back in November 2009, just after Climategate (19th November) when the BBC and ALL other mainstream media were studiously ignoring the fascinating email leak, from CRU? Susan Watts (supposedly a "science" correspondent) on Newsnight 29th November, presented a smokescreen piece that purported to demonstrate growing climate extremes by the growth in insurance claims for weather damage.

I debunked it at the time, on the old board that was pulled. It was a load of tosh. Anyone can see that population growth and the growth or more and valuable real estate on vulnerable coasts etc would, independently of anything else, lead to an increase in claims over time. Nothing at all to do with global warming/climate change. A spurious correlation, in fact. The audience at the Royal Institution debate on the same subject last week came to the same conclusion. They threw out the motion. I listened to the debate. http://www.rigb.org/contentControl?action=displayEvent&id=1000

Anyway, I didn’t notice it at the time but the company whose research Susan Watts drew on drew upon was Munich Re Group. This is a large insurance company which specialises in mega weather hazards, acts of God etc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/newsnight/sus....mate_chang.html

Surprise surprise, what did I find when reading up about The Climate Group and Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, just now. Munich Re is there on the list of members!

Now call me suspicious but The Climate Group funds the IIGCC. IIGCC’s Director is also director of the BBC’s Pension Fund, Peter Dunscombe. Susan Watts is a BBC so-called scientist, she consults Munich Re Group to promote a story about extreme weather at a time when the IPCC’s proxies at CRU UEA are under fire.

Is it just a coincidence?

What about the cross connections between The Climate Group, WWF and The Meteorological Office? Why are there two former top brass from the WWF now heading the UK Meteorological Office? Are they meteorologists by training? Why was one of them, Napier, also head of the Climate Group until 2007 when he supposedly resigned?

I always try to think the best of people as you all well know, but really, this nexus of interests, hmmm, it really makes me wonder!

Something smells nasty here.


From Scientist for Truth on Bishop Hill

4trillion euros - chickenfeed: this guy (Napier) is involved in directing funding of 55 trillion dollars into 'green' investments, and trying to get green taxes out of every taxpayer in the UK. As I state in the blog post:

Not only is he the chairman of the Met office, but Napier is Chairman of the Green Fiscal Commission, seeking to impose massive green taxation; he is Director of the Carbon Disclosure Project, which has built the largest database on corporate ‘carbon footprints’ as a basis for discrimination against those who don’t go along with the eco agenda; he is Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation, which is bankrolled by the UN Environment Programme to push and ensure compliance with the Green agenda; and he is Chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency, which is seeking to grab land for ecotowns and determining compliance of housing to stringent Green standards. Other recent positions he has held include Chief Executive of WWF-UK, a vast malthusian political pressure group seeking to grab land and stop development around the world; a Director of The Climate Group, a huge international pressure group for the climate change agenda; and a Director of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation, a secular body seeking to infuse ‘Green’ values into all the major religions, and to designate land as ‘sacred’ to prohibit development, and galvanize religions as a powerful advocacy group for the eco agenda.

This web of organizations over which Napier exercises influence means that Napier is responsible for the generation of climate alarmism, input into the IPCC reports, powerful secular and religious eco advocacy, directing of investments exceeding $55 trillion towards the Green agenda, monitoring of eco compliance, manipulating government fiscal policy towards green taxes, and control of the built environment towards the green agenda. Napier is an eco-imperialist, and for him and his cronies it’s all about total social control for the green agenda – controlling all bases: investment, building, land, religion, government, taxes, propaganda, advocacy, monitoring, climate science and data.

See here http://buythetruth.wordpress.com/2009/08....ntalists-dream/

February 1, 2010 | ScientistForTruth


Just learned that Munich Re (involved in the Institutional Investment Group on Climate Change) and the source of Susan Watts' information attempting to demonstrate an increase in severe weather by correlating it with insurance payouts, also gave £3 million to the Grantham Institute at the LSE (where Bob Ward, formerly PR man at the Royal Society is now Policy and Communications Director).

The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

is a research centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Its mission is to generate world-class, policy-relevant research on climate change and the environment for academics, policy-makers, businesses, non-governmental organizations, the media and the public.

The Institute has five research programmes:

climate science/policy;
mitigation of climate change – carbon markets and technology;
adaptation to, and impacts of, climate change;
governance of climate change; and
deforestation and ecosystems.

The Institute was established in May 2008 through a generous £12 million donation from the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, and works closely with the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London, which was launched in February 2007. The work of both Institutes is overseen by an advisory board.

The work of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment is integrated with the activities of the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, hosted by the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of Leeds.

The Institute is chaired by Lord Stern of Brentford. Its work is directed by a management team and management board.

More jobs for the boys. I bet there is more money, public and private, being sunk into climatechange projects than any other UK research effort. MUCH more!

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