Tuesday 20 July 2010

Joe D'Aleo Reports

15 Jan 2010

Joe D'Aleo writes his report on the US distortions of temperature data which he thinks takes the centre of gravity of the scandal revealed on 19th November by the CRU climategate back to the USA.

I sincerely hope so, because the way the UK is governed ( with the power ALWAYS in the hands of the elite) there is no way the the real story is going to be revealed in the UK. Certainly not by the BBC, anyway. We can expect a whitewash from the CRU enquiry here, but let's wait and see.

The litigious Yanks may be have the key to undermining the very well-entrenched AGW climatechangeism scam which has spread throughout government, industry, financial institutions, NGOs and state science institutions.

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