Tuesday 20 July 2010

Finally... the proof about CO2!!

1 May 2010

Finally... the proof about CO2!!

News is coming out of Finland about a latest study soon to be published in Nature magazine in June 2010 that proves CO2 is only responsible for between 5 to 10% of observed global warming, and is not the key driver of global warming let alone climate change.

The Department of Physics, University of Turku, undertook the study that showed CO2 has a significantly lower impact on global warming than previously thought. Professor Jyrki Kauppinen who led the research stated that the warming that has happened over the last century has not been because of greenhouse gases. Professor Kauppinen also stated that the warming attributed by the IPCC is way over the mark... ten time greater than that calculated by him.

Professor Kauppinen stated that the IPCC's claim about CO2 was an outright falsification.

The measurement of all greenhouse gases has been done by use of the infrared spectrometers.


Can’t wait for June when we’ll the hear the full story!

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