Tuesday 20 July 2010

IPCC scientist: Global cooling headed our way for the next 30 years?

Jan 11, 2010

Mojab Latif is one of the world’s leading climate modelers. He is a professor at the Leibniz Institute at Germany’s Kiel University and an author of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. Latif is a prominent scientist in the UN’s IPCC climate research group. He thinks the cold snap Americans, Brits, and Europeans have been suffering through is the beginning of another cycle, this one a down cycle. He says we’re in for 30 years of cooler temperatures. While maybe it is a harsh prediction, he calls it a “mini ice age”. That phrase is sure to stick in the craw of more than a few people. His theory is based on an analysis of natural oscillations in water temperatures in the oceans. According to this he believes our current cold weather pattern is a pause, a “30-years-long blip”, in the larger cycle of global warming, which postulates that temperatures will rise rapidly over the coming years.

At a U.N. conference in September, Latif said that changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation could mask over any “manmade global warming” for the next few decades. He said the fluctuations in the NAO could also be responsible for much of the rise in global temperatures seen over the past 30 years.

Latif clearly still has one foot aboard the AGW bandwaggon. But how long before the warmists throw him under it?

A few comments from WUWT about Latif

Jim Clarke says:
Good for Mojab Latif. He has joined the ranks of climate realists. Of course, Prof. Bill Gray has been saying much the same thing for 15 to 20 years. So have many others. I am just a meteorologist, but I have noted for many years that the ocean cycles must be responsible for at least 50 percent of the warming observed during the 20th century, and that the atmosphere must be at least 50% less sensitive to CO2 than the IPCC says it is. No other conclusion can be drawn from the facts, and those facts have been very evident for at least a decade.
They may try to throw Mr. Latif under the bus, but it is getting awfully crowded under here. Soon, the bus will just tip over and perhaps we can all just go home.

Lucy skywalker says:
The definitive let-out clause. “Masking global warming for 30 years”.

mosomoso says:
Sorry, but what we’re seeing here, from Mr Fifty Percent, is an example of how the alarmists will tippy-toe away from their slower fellow alarmists and keep their jobs. Their favourite word will be “mask”. (Remember: Thirty years was the perfect amount of time for the Global Coolists of the seventies to get the egg off their faces, and for Time and Newsweek to recast themselves as warming enthusiasts.)

bradley13 says:
Oh no! It’s getting colder. AGC (cooling) is here, give us money!

Expat in France says:
Not having the humility to admit that the planet may now be entering a cooling phase, and that they might have been wrong all along, they say that warming may “pause” for a while, whilst cooling replaces it temporarily, then warming will resume.
Which is what happens all the time, isn’t it? The planet warms, then cools, then warms…..
I find it all rather amusing.

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