Tuesday 20 July 2010

KUSI TV Programme - "The Other Side"

17 Jan 2010

Now available on-line From KUSI, an independent TV station in San Diego.

John Coleman’s hour long news special “Global Warming – The Other Side” in five parts

1. Carbon Dioxide does not cause significant warming on earth

2. How Al Gore and the UN became involved in global warming

3. Dire predictions of melting ice, dying polar bears, flooding coastlines, heat waves, superstorms and epidemics.

4. Climategate comes to the United States

5. Summation of global warming debate

Sure its a bit “American” - not exactly Melvin's “In our Time” style presentation. But it covers the ground of the debate, and is making an effort to educate a largely ignorant public in the basics of the climate controversy - which is more than you can say for the BBC.

My advice is start with number 4 - which features a good interview with EM Smith who runs the “Musings from the Chiefio” website here http://chiefio.wordpress.com/ and an interview with Joe D’Aleo, meteorologist, who also has a report on Climategate herehttp://icecap.us/images/uploads/NOAAroleinclimategate.pdf.

See also

JANUARY 16 2010

Provoked by the airing of these contrarian views on KUSI, Jim Hansen released a statement on his current conclusions regarding the global average surface temperature trends.

He said “NASA has not been involved in any manipulation of climate data used in the annual GISS global temperature analysis. The analysis utilizes three independent data sources provided by other agencies. Quality control checks are regularly performed on that data. The analysis methodology as well as updates to the analysis are publicly available on our website. The agency is confident of the quality of this data and stands by previous scientifically based conclusions regarding global temperatures.”

Roger Pielke responded: “This statement perpetuates the erroneous claim that the data sources are independent This issue exists even without considering any other concerns regarding their analyses... Readers will note that Jim Hansen does not cite or comment on any of the substantive unresolved uncertainties and systematic warm bias that we report on in our papers. They only report on THEIR research papers. This is a clear example of ignoring peer reviewed studies which conflict with one’s conclusions."

You can find Roger Pielke Sr’s blog, Climate Science here

His, son Roger Pielke Jr also has a blog here

Lucy Skywalker says:

"I would like to see a “recovery of Science” team go back to just a few individual global records that can be traced for a long period of time, with site history and individual current scaling for UHI (eg do urban transect). Better a few that are clean than a lot that are a mess – forget the gridding for the mo. I think these will be the best global pointers we can manage – and I think we can manage well enough."

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