Monday 19 July 2010

Antarctica - raw data massively distorted

The story in a nutshell is that GHCN (Global Historical Climate Network) ignored data from the 16 Antarctic thermometer stations that showed only a miniscule upward trend over the last century and for the last 17 years chose only one station, Rothera Point, on the VERY a-typical West Antarctic Peninsula, (the thin finger of land pointing northwards towards South America) to represent the whole of the interior and coast of this very large, very mountainous continent.

See the following for all the gory details.

The result is that Antarctic temperature is represented in "adjusted" data as rising about 4.0 degrees C per century whereas the REAL trend is 0.04 degrees C per century.

How much more of this blatant distortion of the record can "climatology" stand, I ask?

When the region with the greatest number of measuring stations (i.e. North America) also shows the greatest cooling, isn't it only sensible to ask why the southern hemisphere, with VERY few measuring stations, is presented as showing the greatest warming?

Kon Dealer on the Air Vent said

December 13, 2009 at 6:45 pm

"I worked down at Rothera in the 1990’s. It didn’t strike me at the time but it does now. Rothera Point has been largely cleared of ice and snow, for personnel safety reasons. The underlying rock is very dark. It also has a huge matt black gravel runway right alongside the main base.

Of course this change in local albedo would have no effect on local temperature readings would it?"

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