Monday 19 July 2010

Ben Goldacre Psychiatrist journalist Environmentalist

Ben goldacre

Instead of psycho-analising us and abusing us as "zombies" perhaps Ben Goldacre should start reading some temperature data and about how the tree-ring proxy data has been fiddled then he would be a little better informed.

All this is laid out on this blog and elsewhere. The man is a zealot and a preacher not a statistical analyst. My reply to him would be "It's all about the numbers, stupid!"

It's a slur, Aubrey, the "zombie", just like the PM's "flat-earther".

When people do not use data to prove their case but resort instead to psychologistic rants, name-calling and cute photos of polar bears you should wonder about the robustness of their case. These are signs of desperation.

If people remain unconvinced of AGW it is because the case has not been made convincingly. The numbers just don't support it. And that message is getting through, at last.

Have a look at the neat gizmo graphic in my "How to create a false rising trend" thread.

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