Monday 19 July 2010


CET Hottest Ever

From Dennis Ambler (writing on Englishman's Castle )

Whilst global temperatures are claimed as warmest on record, it's interesting to have a look at the CET record as presented at, CET seasonal ranked.


Whilst 2006 was the hottest autumn, it was quite anomalous. The previous hottest were 1729, 1730, 1731, although 1818 jumps in between probably because of decimal place difference.

Hottest summer is still 1976, hottest winter 1869, hottest spring, 1893.....

Just imagine today's media had been around in 1729, 1730 and 1731.

Do these data really say temperatures are running out of control? The only reason we have had warmer annual temp is because autumn has been warmer in general. So CO2 only works in autumn?

I posted a paper on Numberwatch in 2006 which goes into this a lot more:

CRU acknowledges these earlier warm periods but doesn’t explain the lack of a CO2 link:
Climatic Research Unit: Information sheets: 3: UK Weather and Climate (CET/EWP)…seasonal and annual temperatures for the entire CET series…. show unprecedented warmth during the 1990s, but earlier decades such as the 1730s and 1820s are comparable.

The title is still there but all links now lead back to the main UEA info page.....

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