Monday 19 July 2010

Dec 18, 2009

I have just watched a programme called Climate Wars.

I am not impressed by the conclusions drawn. There MAY be global warming. In the light of the fiddling of the global historical climate network raw data revealed around the world since the climategate leak we cannot even be assured of THAT. And certainly the role of human emissions of GHGs are still basically unknown despite the billions thrown at trying to observe the anthropogenic "signature" in the climate.

I "learned" that the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 confirmed the predictive capability of climate models.

Pardon? The cooling effect of volcanoes on the subsequent years’ temperatures has been understood for centuries. You don't need a computer model to confirm it.

We are told the Pueblo Indians abandoned their 700-year long occupation of their rock villages in SW United States in c1300 because of a reduction in rainfall. So? This means that rainfall patterns change. (This also concides with the end of the Mediaeval Warm Period 800-1300. But no reference to that was made.)

We are told ice melts on Greenland and icebergs calve. Yes, and so it did in the Mediaeval Warm Period when the Vikings colonised it. Presumably the Spring came earlier in that era too, as today. See this thread

We are told Arctic sea ice has been recently reduced to" the lowest on record". The "record" only reaches back thirty years. There was a similar warming from 1918 to c1940. See my thread posted here

See also the photographs of submarines at a largely ice-free North Pole from 1959 onwards. The ice comes and goes.

WE are told about questions of “sustainablility” of America’s desert cities. Yes, indeed. The hugely expanded population is making profligate use of limited, finite water resources. So what’s new? Rapid population growth causes stress on resources. So policies to seriously reduce population growth are required.

The Hoover damn is at a low level, we learn. The contribution made by increased irrigation, increased municipal draw off and diminished rainfall is not explained. See this for a less scare-mongering source of
info, including this gem - “Ninety-six percent of the water flowing into Lake Mead comes from snowmelt that drains into the Colorado River.” So NOT entirely dependent on rainfall, reduced or otherwise, at all!

And this for the previous history of water level in Lake Mead.

We already know the planet’s climate has gone through endless previous ups and downs, some of them rapid. No surprise there then.

Several exclamations of “ OMG, it’s worse than we thought!” based solely on the “scenarios” invented by climate models. GIGO is the answer to that.

To return to my first point. We have an increasing volume of evidence that the world’s temperature data on which the “global warming” crisis depends has been uniformly fiddled in an upward direction to create the "unprecedented" trend required by AGW catastrophists. See my threads on Australia, New Zealand, Nordic countries, Alaska, Central England and Russia.

I, for one, am not worrying about “climate change” as currently expressed by greenies and other perennially worried and guilty folk. I am worried about the new global ideology “climatechangeism” however. THAT could be VERY dangerous for our health and well-being.

You see, specialpeople, when you don’t possess any background scepticism at all, or any independent sources of information you are easily impressed by garbage like this piece of propaganda, “Climate Wars” on which you, apparently, set some store.

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