Monday 19 July 2010

Letter to my MP Hilary Benn

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Hilary Benn is also Sec of State for Defra

Sunday 22 November 2009

Dear Hilary Benn

CRU Hack

There are a bunch of “climatologists” here in the UK who are prepared to manipulate data to give the impression that humans are destroying the planet. Their motive? I haven’t got a clue. I am sure they are “sincere” but they are utterly misguided.

CRU and the IPCC are joined at the hip. A tiny clique of AGW believers are orchestrating climate science, erecting barriers to consideration of sceptical opinion by fixing the review process in climate journals, fiddling the stats to show that the supposed late 20th century temperature rise is “unprecented” and pretending to believe tree rings are accurate thermometers for times past. They are not only fiddling the data they are trying to manipulate public opinion and protecting their AGW fiefdom by refusing to release data so that other researchers can test it. They act in concert in contravention of the Freedom of Information Act and try to hide their scams behind the Intellectual Property and Data Protection legislation.

These organisations are publicly-funded and the public is entitled to access and audit their work. Peer review is inadequate, their data need auditing.

I am tired of hearing the mantra of “climate change” on your lips, Mr Benn every time I see your face on the box. Of course the climate is changing! It has been changing ever since the last ice age! And when it has been warm for long enough it will start to get cold again. Remember, the “normal” state of the northern hemisphere for the past 5 million years has been a miles deep coverning of ice! We are coming to the end of the most recent brief “interglacial” sadly. A few extra wisps of CO2 in the atmosphere, from WHATEVER source are not going to overturn five million year-old cycles of ice-ages.

I am sick of the manipulation of this “global warming” bandwagon which the IPCC and CRU are driving and which people like you are jumping on. Has it been a good “career move”, Hilary, embracing this load of irrational nonsense? Have you got an alternative “green” means of augmenting your pay lined up when you are no longer a minister?

I realise that you do not have the time to properly educate yourself on the many aspects of science that underly a true understanding of the climate, you are a busy man. But let me assure you, as someone who HAS taken the trouble to educate herself on these matters, that the catastrophic global warming “scenario” promoted by your pals at CRU, Tyndall, Hadley and the IPCC is a total scam and hoax on which a massive superstructure of political bureaucracy is even now being erected.

Stop it, please.

There are plenty of matters requiring humanity’s attention - pollution of the seas and rivers, land use changes, energy security, resource depletion, air pollution, poverty and last but not least, overpopulation - the underlying cause of every other problem.

My advice to you, Mr Benn, take whatever action you can to shut down these UK scamsters and let the powers that be turn their attention to problems that actually DO need to be solved instead of building careers on scaremongering about non-existent ones and demonising CO2 - a clean trace gas which we all exhale and which makes the plants grow bigger and better.

Yours truly,

P.S. As I was on-line (reading about the inanities of dendro-palaeo-climatology, actually) when news of the hack broke on Thursday night I was able to download the CRU documents and emails immediately so I am fully aware of the extent of the scams, dirty tricks and attempts at censorship that have been going on. It is no surprise at all, it is what many of us have suspected for a long time.

There is no “consensus” on AGW, there is just a tiny clique trying to invent one and largely suceeding thanks to the support of people like you. It is an utter scandal.

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