Monday 19 July 2010

The Magic Larch of Yamal

Here's the difference the magic tree of Yamal made to Briffa's proxy temperature graph

See how UEA perverts science? First pretends that treemometers are accurate recorders of temperature and then takes a sample of a mere 12 trees (no, not twelve SPECIES of tree, as a friend of mine asked incredulously) of which only ONE, the magic one, "accurately" displayed the planet's required "unprecedented" late 20th century temperature rise.

There is actually a word in "climate science" for the way a single tree can catch a "world" temperature signal and transmit it via its tree rings direct to UEA. It is "teleconnection", I think!**

Are you folks beginning to grasp the enormity of the CRU/IPCC scam and the insult to folks' intelligence that it represents?

Are you beginning to grasp why it so offends me that I spend my days trying to alert others to the fact that someone is taking advantage of their ignorance and that so-called "scientists" at the CRU have DELIBERATELY misrepresented our understanding of the Earth's temperature history to policymakers?

** Teleconnection: whereby certain trees respond to the "Global Temperature Field", rather than local climate. Such trees are very precious and rare and very useful when trying to demonstrate treemometers are a valid way of measuring global temperatures.

What? You haven't heard of them? You surprise me.

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