Monday 19 July 2010

Motivation for scientific fraud?

Like all other sane people I DO believe human activity affects regional and possibly global climate.

Cutting down forests removes a carbon sink, for example and changes wind and precipitation patterns.

Sprinkling soot on snow reduces the albedo effect and makes snow and ice melt faster.

Concrete and tarmac cause urban heat island effect.

Building the Aswan High Dam has caused subsidence of the Nile delta.

Removal of the original coastal forests in Australia has caused desertification inland.

Growing cotton via irrigation from rivers in Central Asia has dried up the Aral sea.

Over-exploitation of the water table can make some islands sink relative to sea-level so that it looks like "climatechange".

To name but a few.

I even believe that the extra atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuel MAY be slightly raising the global temperature. But I don't think it's a matter to worry about. From what I read I do not think growth of GHGs will have catastrophic consequences.

The climate ALWAYS changes and then it changes back again.

But perhaps you are asking the same question as the rather wide-eyed Campbell Brown of CBS, "What could possibly be the motivation be for scientific fraud?"

When governments and international organisations throw billions of the taxpayer's money at climatologists with the instruction that they find the Anthropogenic Global Warming "signal' they will damned well find it, even if they have to torture the data to get it.

You would, too, if your future livelihood depended on it, I dare say.

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