Monday 19 July 2010

Simple Explanation of the CRU hack revelations

“What the emails/files don’t do is completely destroy the possibility that global climate change is real.”

Of course climate change is real. The default state of climate is that of constant change in a random, variable extent and rate.

And although the emails do not “completely destroy” the man-made climate change hypothesis, (all they do is remove any credibility from the peer-review pronouncements of that change), the data (in the raw code and comments and read me files), itself kills the temperature record that the MMGW hypothesis hangs upon. As posters above state, the raw data contained data elements, some of which were either incomplete, missing, wrong, duplicated, or utterly unintelligable (eg not being able to decipher what continent a particular station was located on) in other words, a complete and unreliable mess!

Based on this there is no way to reconstruct a reliable definitive record, but they needed to prove that the earth has warmed, (rather than prove what really happened regardless of bias) and in the code and comments of the program, appear damning comments that show wilful and deliberate falsification of temperatures. Lowering temperatures in earlier years and inventing other sets of temperatures from missing databases and raising recent temperatures in ways that “hide the decline” (yes that song is still going through my head).

Based on that alone, how can anyone have any confidence that the temperature record is an accurate reflection of what has actually happened in history? The code and the comments show, clearly, that the temperature record is false. It is no longer showing the same data as the originating station’s temperature data. The record HAS been altered.

If you are basing your hypothesis that the earth has warmed, on a temperature record which we now know to be false, then that hypothesis is wrong, it is void, it is shamefully a fraud.

As far as I can tell, there is nothing else that MMGW (ManMadeGlobalWarming) can be measured against other than the actual temperature record. IF the temperature record does NOT actually show warming, then man-made global warming cannot exist and we are only left with Mann made global warming.

This is the specific and absolute heart of the MMGW hypothesis. If the increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 from 200ppm to 380ppm over the last 150 years has actually NOT seen a significant increase in global temperature, then there can be NO evidence whatsoever to support the hypothesis. The hypothesis fails. Is is false. It is dead.

let’s look to this story : which actually shows that an ‘unadjusted-by-man’ record of the temperature at least in one location has NOT warmed significantly at all over that timescale. The only temperature records which do show ’significant’ warming appear to be ones which have been adjusted.

So yes, a combination of the emails (which discredit the entire peer-review process in climatology) and the data (which demonstrates that the temperature record itself is false) DOES completely destroy the possibility that MAN MADE global climate change is real.

Any warming is entirely coincidental to CO2 increases, not causative.

Now can we all, finally dump and destroy this fraudulent AGW dream once and for all, and agree to CLEAN UP the planet? Plant more trees, restore areas blighted by real chemical pollution? save the millions of species threatened with extinction by the destruction of natural habitats? Hmmmmmmm? All this CO2 distraction is an evil and dangerous sideshow.