Monday 19 July 2010


By Dr. Richard Keen, University of Colorado

I recently completed a study of central Alaska’s climate. For this study I computed the average annual temperature for nine long-term Alaskan stations (and station combinations), which are: Eagle/Dawson, Ft. Yukon/Central, Fairbanks University, McKinley Park, Talkeetna, Gulkana / Kennecott / Chitina / McCarthy, Yakutat, Cordova, and Valdez. Then I averaged the nine stations for a regional mean (below, enlarged here). The data source was NCDC.


For comparison with the IPCC thumbnail for Alaska I replotted the regional temperatures as ten-year averages (below).


Next is a graph of the GHCN annual temperatures for the same region. The GHCN data is dominated by an upward trend. My analysis gives an upward linear trend of 0.69 C/century (due to starting during a cold PDO and ending during a warm PDO), while the GHCN trend is 2.83 C/century – over 2 degrees larger!


Here is a blow up of the IPCC graph for Alaska (below)
Showing Dr Kean’s decadal temps superimposed in pale blue.


Again the comparison with raw data shows that the IPCC has adjusted the temps before 1940 downwards and increased them afterwards.

Posted on the Air Vent

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