Monday 19 July 2010

Hail to the Chief

Dec 8, 2009

Does anyone remember the analysis by Chiefio that I put up on the old board of the Global Historical Climate Network?

He doggedly plotted all the land surface thermometers in time and space and concluded that there had been a reduction in the thermometers located in cold places and at altitude and a general move towards the equator. In Canada there remained only ONE thermometer above 65 degrees North and few above 300m altitude. In Australia the thermometers were moving northwards, equatorwards. New Zealand had its coldest thermometer lopped from the record. California was reduced to four thermometers at the beach or downtown San Francisco with none in the mountains. The Andes were virtually stripped of coverage. In Africa there was a movement from the cooler shores inland to the hotter deserts. In central Africa where there was no beach to move FROM the thermometers moved from higher altitude to lower.

All reasons for not trusting the IPCC's statements about temperature trends. All three main world temperature data bases - CRU, Giss and NOAA - are based on the GHCN stations and all fiddle it upwards in precisely the same direction. They call it "Value-Added".

Look up Chiefio's journey of exploration here.

According to Chiefio, Pippa, the raw figures reveal a slight warming of winter temperatures round the world but little difference in summer temperatures. That is not consistent with CO2 as the cause.

Thank goodness for those conscientious climate auditors and investigators who have taken the trouble to present the basic and contradictory raw data to us. The IPCC et al have relied for too long on the story of the upwardly adjusted raw data not getting out to the public as a whole. There is still a way to go.

But after all, it is such a SIMPLE scam. Some folk think the undermining of the thesis of AGW has to be a more complicated matter than just checking the arithmetic, but IT ISN'T!


Story over.

Now it's just a matter of getting the story out to the masses and of course, refocussing on the mitigation of REAL problems.

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