Monday 19 July 2010

EPA classes CO2 as pollution - Chiefio comments

December 7, 2009 – A Climate Date that will live in Infamy*

by E.M.Smith

Sacramento California Snow

Today the EPA declared CO2 an environmental threat.

They could not have had more exquisitely bad timing I’ve they had let me set the date.

Sure, timed to coincide with the Copenhagen treaty opening. So they are going to double dip the fiasco…

Why a poor choice? Well, the title of this posting is one reason. They have no sense of history. Another? Current weather predictions are for the center of the USA to be 20 Degrees F below average for the next few weeks. It has even snowed today in Sacramento, California.

For those not in California, Sacramento gets to 110 F in the shade (and there ain’t no shade!) many summers. It is often over 100F. I’ve lived in or near it for most of the last 50 years+ and I can remember 3 or maybe 4 days with snow. (There were probably more, I was not always paying attention to the weather, but not many more…) Snow is almost unheard of on the Central Valley floor in most years. Certainly not in years of supposedly record warmth.

These folks have set them selves up for the most spectacular “belly flop” in living memory. They are parading naked down the street and don’t even know it.

There is a nice little set of pictures of Sacramento snow down the side of this link:

BTW, it also snowed in the hills around the San Francisco Bay Area. This is an area significantly further south, Morgan Hill, even south of San Jose. They usually do not get snow covered hills to look at:

Just heard on the Weather Channel that I-5 is closed at the Tejon Pass on the approach to L.A. due to snow and ice.

* Date of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, 1941.

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