Monday 19 July 2010

Nordic Countries raw data fiddled by CRU too

We’ve already seen serious questions raised about the way a warming rise was calculated in New Zealand.

Sweden’s Professor Wibjorn Karlen of Uppsala University wondered about the "adjusted" temperatures over Nordic countries, too. He asked how the IPCC had produced the graphics for northern Europe.

[Karlen to Trenberth]
Uppsala 17 September 2008,

"Dear Kevin,

In short, the problem is that I cannot find data supporting the temperature curves in IPCC and also published in e.g. Forster, P. et al. 2007: Assessing uncertainty in climate simulation. Nature 4: 63-64.

In attempts to reconstruct the temperature I find an increase from the early 1900s to ca 1935, a trend down until the mid 1970s and so another increase to about the same temperature level as in the late 1930s.

A distinct warming to a temperature about 0.5 deg C above the level 1940 is reported in the IPCC diagrams. I have been searching for this recent increase, which is very important for the discussion about a possible human influence on climate, but I have basically failed to find an increase above the late 1930s.

In my letter to Klass V I included a diagram showing the mean annual temperature of the Nordic countries (1890-ca 2001) presented on the net by the database NORDKLIM, a joint project between the meteorological institutes in the Nordic countries.

Except for Denmark, the data sets show an increase after the 1970s to the same level as in the late 1930s or lower. None demonstrates the distinct increase the IPCC indicates. The trends of these 6 [Nordic] areas are very similar except for a few interesting details.

It is hard to find evidence of a drastic warming of the Arctic. It is also difficult to find evidence of a drastic warming outside urban areas in a large part of the world outside Europe. However the increase in temperature in Central Europe may be because the whole area is urbanized (see e.g. Bidwell, T., 2004: Scotobiology – the biology of darkness. Global change News Letter No. 58 June, 2004).
So, I find it necessary to object to the talk about a scaring temperature increase because of increased human release of CO2. "



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