Monday 19 July 2010

How Darwin data adjusted to show HUGE warming

Willis Eschenbach has been working on this case for a while.

I will show just the graphs he has produced to demonstrate the fiddles. He is convinced that the data were adjusted manually and and not in accordance with the declared GHCN "homogenization" method. This means it was a “one-off” deliberate massaging (more like pummelling) of the figures to show an astronomical rise in temperature of 6 degrees C per century.

See the full story with preceeding installments on WUWT here

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

In Fig 3 note the tendentious pre-1941 DOWNWARD adjustment and the post-1941 UPWARD adjustment.

It is the attempt to conceal data fiddles like this that has made it such a struggle to get the IPCC clique to release its data and computer code for independent scrutiny.

You can understand why!

See also more evidence of inaccurate data coming out of New Zealand where the problems of Urban Heat Island Effect were acknowledged thirty years ago.

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