Monday 19 July 2010

"The Science isn't Settled" by Dr Tim Ball

"The Limitations of Global climate Models"

A fascinating and illuminating lecture, Marchesa, in case you haven't seen it:

Thanks for the link, Nick.

I first became interested in Global Warming after seeing the Channel 4 film, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" in March 2007.

Before that I hadn't questioned the "orthodoxy".

Dr Tim was one of the meteorologist interviewed on that prog and the responses of him and others, which were so rational and sane-sounding, made we want to pursue the subject further. Dr Tim's was one of the first blogs I turned to. I probably read this article you have linked to at the time but I shall certainly read it again, now.

The thing is with understanding the climate, it is so very complex and multifacetted that you can easily get bogged down in the minutiae of research. It is important to keep returning to first principles to refresh the mind (and the spirit).

I would also add that whereas understanding the climate is hard, understanding the warmist case for AGW is easy. And just as easy to overturn.

It depends upon the simple averaging of temperature measurements all over the globe. Understand that and you've really understood everything. From these records you can check whether the supposed temp rise of the late twentieth century is "unprecedented" or not.

It looks as if the CO2 record is also being called into question now - not the "well-mixed" gas as always proclaimed.

We'll see!

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